We complain that education is so hard in this era but could we imagine what it would have been like back in the one room school house times. Young, mostly girls, would travel away from their families and friends to these small towns. Once there they would have to prepare lessons for 20-30 students, all at different ages, intelligence and most felt they had little need for education. They had to do all of this with little to no training. They also had no one to share with or to ask for help when they were facing difficulties.
I personally could not imagine this. I am nervous about having my own classroom next year, hopefully, but if I do I will be surrounded by support. I will have my fiance at home to help me on my struggling days. My colleges in the school to lend me their expertise. My family and friends are only a text, phone call or skype away. Besides this I will have the internet to research lesson plans and resources. My blog will give me an outlet to ask for help and share my success. Also, I will have 2 years of specific teacher education and multiple PD sessions to help me succeed

Compared to those one room school house teachers I am exponentially better off and for this I am very grateful. Technology is a wonderful thing. We, as educators, need to keep learning and striving to be better. To do this we need to share and have an online presence. This will provide us with the means to share our experience and find support, helping us keep our sanity on those challenging years. I always like to think that no matter what situation you are facing, someone at sometime has probably faced the same or very similar situation. This person can be a person of support and a great aid to you. The internet allows you a place to connect with this person even if they are in a different country.
I think "we" have formulated a great group of girls at school who will always be willing to share work. This will be helpful when we run into a lesson that we have writer's block for and we need to reach out and ask if anyone can give us any resources to help us along. I love your quote! Here is one from me: "Sharing is Caring" --care bears :)
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Brooke! In addition to your fiance, work colleagues, and family, you will also have our entire senior years class behind you! Plus, Justin and I are only a short drive away!! :)
ReplyDeleteMiss L
Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching
Don't forget there are a few guys who'd be happy to help and share whatever we can ;)
ReplyDeleteI have found myself thinking of one-room schools lately, too. The wood stove gives it a certain cozy appeal, however, I am grateful to be entering the teaching field in a connected, collaborative world.
Now that I think of it - classrooms are becoming more and more multi-level, multi-ability. Schools made up of many one-room schools. We should collaborate with some former one-room school teachers and ask how they planned for multi-level classrooms.
Thank you everyone for all your comments. I am definitely lucky to have so much support from al you girls ( and boys) , both near and far. We wil all really appreciate the support when we have our own classrooms and are needing someone to help us out. Look forward to the future with all of you
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for all your comments. I am definitely lucky to have so much support from al you girls ( and boys) , both near and far. We wil all really appreciate the support when we have our own classrooms and are needing someone to help us out. Look forward to the future with all of you
ReplyDeleteI love the commitment to collaboration that exists at university, especially amongst us in the senior years stream. I find that everyone is open to sharing ideas and resources. Reciprocity will be an important part of our teaching in the future as well. We can't isolate ourselves or we will become stagnant. As you pointed out Anna, we will find a great support system through connecting and sharing.
ReplyDeleteVery true that we have resources unheard of a few generations of teachers ago! I also agree with Tyler that our classes are going to be extremely varied, with a blend of ages and abilities, and sharing info, ideas and support will make us all better teachers!