Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome to the Blogging World...Round 2!!

I am just about to start blogging for the second time.  Last year I started a blog called "the garlic and the frog leg."  I was not very successful.  This year is going to be different!
Recently I started a course called Internet for Educators where we are required to blog at least once a week about our experiences in education.  Particularly I will discuss aspects related to technology in education.
I think this attempt at blogging will go much better!
Look forward to the journey!


  1. Welcome back! If you want you can import your old blog into your new one so all your posts would be here. It'd allow you to delete the old one, but not lose your posts. I've done it a couple times and it is pretty easy.

  2. Welcome back Anna! I really enjoyed the posts that you did have on your other blog, I thought they were insightful and I liked reading them because they made me think. I am glad you are back on the bandwagon with us!
    I also like that you put a space aside for "Resources You Love", I put a similar idea on my blog and its one of my favourite features now. I'm looking forward to seeing what you include :)

    Miss L
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching
